Free Hatha Yoga Courses
Hatha Yoga Pradipika [Full Courses]
Hatha Yoga Pradipika IV: Profound Partnerships & Unmatched Joy [LIVE]
Elevate your practice with our 10-day course on the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Study advanced yogic techniques under the guidance of Geshe Michael Roach and YSI's expert instructors.
Quiet Retreat Teachings
Inner Kingdom Immersion
September 7 + 8
Earle Birney goes in-depth in Geshe Michael Roach's original poem, Inner Kingdom. Two day workshop
Inner Kingdom
Get discounted access to Part #1 [June 29 + 30], Part #2 [July 27 + 28] + Immersion [Sept. 7 + 8]
To re-awaken the Quiet Retreat Teachings, we have asked teachers, many who were at this event with Geshe Michael over 20 years ago, to share their favorite stories and their favorite advice from this teaching.