Use the code at checkout. If any discounts apply to the product you've selected, an option will appear.
How do I cancel a membership?
Sorry to see you go! Please let us know how we could have offered you more value.
A Member will log in to their account.
Click on their Avatar in the top right of the page.
Select Settings from the dropdown.
Click Billing Info in the top right of the page:
Under "Active Subscriptions" find the offer you'd like to cancel and select the "Cancel" button.
Can I volunteer?
Thank you for your generosity! We'd love to have your help. Please fill visit our volunteer page to send us a message, and we'll respond as soon as possible!
Can I become an Instructor?
Yes, if you are interested in being a YSI instructor, please contact us about our application process.
Do you sponsor contests or events?
Yes! We love to work with fun, loving social media stars or support great events! Drop us a line in the contact form below.
Is YSI available in my language?
Visit our Language Page to see what is offered in your language. If you can't find your language and would like to help translate, please contact us below!
What asana styles do you offer?
Please visit the Asana Styles page for a full list.
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